Opening Message From the Creator

Hello to everyone who clicked this page!

I know the website's not perfect, but please bear with it for the time being. I want to improve it in the future.
I spent kind of too much time on the site, so I thought it would be best to launch it, and improve it later.
If there's anything you want to be made better on the site, you can send me a message via my business email: [email protected]

I wasn't gonna make an opening page on the Article section of my site, but I thought maybe for historical reasons, I will someday look back on this post fondly and sentimentally.

I hope to update the site weekly with new content. If enough people view my site, I'll look into ways to earn an income from it, improve the quality, style, and use part of it so the website's still on the Internet. I know also I can use the money to help me in my life.

Await my upcoming stories on what I enjoyed most of the Treasure Hunt, divided into seperate articles, and the Teal Mask.

I do also want to launch those articles before publishing a story about something in the Indigo Disk.

While goal of this site is to release an article a week on the Home Page, with other content if possible, I'll see if I can release those articles more continuously so I can launch an article about the Indigo Disk.

I won't be launching an article on the week of Christmas Eve though.

I'm currently playing part 2 of the DLC.

I would like to tell all of you what I would like to gain from this website for everyone and myself. I'll begin by sharing my site's about page, if any of you haven't read it already:

With that said, what I would like to give all you readers and myself is happiness from my website. I know that's a generic thing to say about something you created, but it's how we can be a gift to people's lives. And if I can be that important to people, I'll be happy too.

I shall travel the world of Pokémon and chronicle my adventures wherever I go, or search for a priceless odyssey. Stick around on the site and see what articles I have to share.

I hope you are all doing well, and look forward to what's to come on the website.
