The Treasure Hunt Part II

When you were a kid, did you ever dream of uncovering the mystery of the seven wonders of the world?
Ever dream of wanting to adventure the world endlessly - always meeting people, nature, and whatever else, and being joyous at everything around you?
Ever dream of becoming a hero, bursting through all problems and obstacles on your journey, and taking down the strongest menace before you - all in order to save the world?
Ever dream of living the moment of becoming the greatest competitor of all time in a big wide, exciting, led-up stadium?

So much in life that is to embrace and enjoy.

Pokémon really does embody what life has that makes you want to walk out and experience the greatest dreams and creations that exist in the world.

The latest entry of Pokémon, Pokémon Violet, offers a world to the player. A world containing many amazing and fantastical dreams to follow. Whatever great path of life presented, and that you have a passion to follow and complete, starts with a dream, later a strive to obtain and finally the joy of reaching the goal come true and hold on to dearly. Something to treasure.

Arven and his Pokemon

In this journey I decide to help a boy named Arven gather the five Herba Mystica from giant Pokemon, known as Titan Pokemon, so he can create different types of health-curing sandwiches to heal dog Pokemon to full health.

Arven says this Pokemon, which is like a friend to him, means the world to him.

This makes me want to track down the Titan Pokemon, defeat them, and obtain the Herba Mystica to help him.

This narrative also feels like a Pokemon story because it shows friendship between a boy and his Pokemon. We have seen before in this franchise's world how people and Pokemon coexist, help out each other, and team-up to help others in need as well.

What makes this journey a Pokemon narrative?

This narrative also feels like a Pokemon story because it shows friendship between a boy and his Pokemon.
We have seen before in this franchise's world how people and Pokemon coexist, help out each other, and team-up to help others in need as well.

It's part of what makes the world of Pokemon the world of Pokemon.

How Arven Found Out About the Herba Mystica

Arven Has also researched for remedies through books and the internet.
One book he believed to be the answer to his problem was the Violet Book, thought by many to be full of phony, fantastical stories and documentations.
Arven claimed to me he learned about the Herba Mystica through the book and believes all the writings in it are true.

Conclusion of the Treasure Hunt Part II

Arven makes the final sandwich he believes will fully cure his Pokemon once and for all.
His Pokemon eats the sandwich.
But it doesn't appear to do any good.
Arven turns around, walks a little, and stands with a sign of, "Well. I tried my best. That's that.."
Although, all of a sudden, to Arven's surprise, he finds his dog woof and stand up. He sees it has returned back to its normal health.

The Violet Book was correct about the Herba Mystica.

Arven becomes sad, and rejoices about his now healthy Pokemon.

He says to me his father abandoned him at a young age. Leaving him with his dog Pokemon, the only friend he had left in the world.

The Path of Legends is trying to help a fellow boy's dog that is a friend: Like a friend we all need to have at times, and is irreplaceable.

The goal you aim for is different from the other two paths of the Treasure Hunt, in that those two paths' goals are mostly centered around the player's own self interests. This is what makes Path of Legends feel unique from them, and to clearly see what theme it's going for.

In this path, being able to help Arven's Pokemon, the friend that means a lot to him, is something for the player to treasure.

Closing Thoughts

All that I've enjoyed in this path was something I found traveling in the vast, open world of Paldea. These are one of the experiences I found adventuring in the Treasure Hunt.
It gives me a feeling of wanting to travel the world of Pokemon and seek and find myself in experiences that are all a matter of stories I love - are stories children of their amazing imaginations would want to journey and take part in.
And if all the experiences would be put together into a story, would be one I would cherish, adore and look back on fondly - sentimentally someday.